Friday, April 30, 2010

Kettner's Science

We took a short quiz on the inside of the Earth. We then started
vocabulary booklets covering the terms related to plate tectonics.

Homework: By Monday, please define 8 of the terms from your list. In
addition to the definitions, make sure you include a diagram for each.
You can use your notes, the summary from the textbooks, or any
additional earth science sources you may have.

4/30 May P.E. Activity Log

Today,4/30, students received their May activity log. This month
students should record daily their sleep hours and physical activities.
On the back side of the calender is a softball worksheet. Students
need to answer the matching and short answer questions. The activity
log is due Monday, May 24.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Austin - Course 3

Students took quiz today.

No homework.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kettner's Science

Today we continued taking notes about sea floor spreading. Your homework
is to complete WS 1-4 for tomorrow. Use your notes and the summary to
complete your assignment. We will have a quiz on Friday about the
interior of the earth and sea floor spreading. More to come tomorrow.

Mercer Science

Today we finished up the front of the ch 4 section 2 worksheet.
Students in 7th hour need to complete the other side for homework

Mercer Humanities

We continued to present the African powerpoints.
All students must complete ch 13 sect 1 worksheet for tomorrow.

Austin - Course 3

We reviewed for our quiz tomorrow on lesson 9.1 - 9.4.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mercer Science

Today we started talking about rocks and minerals.
No homework tonight.

Mercer Humanities

Today we started the powerpoint presentations.
No homework tonight.

Austin - Course 3

We took a practice quiz. It is homework if it is not finished in class.

Quiz on Wednesday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Kettner's Science

Today we went over "Inside the Earth" and started focusing on plate
tectonics. Students took notes about the various plates and started to
classify the plates based upon their type of movement. We will continue
with this on Monday.

Homework: For those that did not finish plotting the volcanoes on your
map, please do so and turn it in on Monday.

Mercer Science

Today we watched a video about 4 major volcano eruptions in recent
history. Students wrote down information and will have questions to
answer on Monday. No homework.

Mercer Humanities

Today we went over the data file information. Africa power point
presentations start Monday.

Austin - Course 3

We finished notes on lesson 9.3.

Homework-worksheet 9.3, #8-11.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mercer Science

Today 5th hour was visited by one of our counselors, Mrs. Burcham. In
7th hour we viewed some different eruptions based on the different
viscosity and gas levels.
No homework.

Mercer Humanities

Today students created quiz questions based on maps from their books.
When they finished they were assigned the Unit 5 Data File Activity
sheet. Some finished in class, others need to finish it for homework.
The African power point presentations must be done by Monday.

Kettner's Science

Today we worked on labeling the layers of the earth and completing the
worksheet. For homework, use the chart given to you today in class to
label the volcanoes on your map. Be sure to use a different color than
you used for the earthquakes.

College Tech

Students learned the basics of what is required for each Keyboarding Assignment.  We reviewed saving, submitting, and computer lesson headings.  Keyboarding #6 is due Friday.  We will review formatting and manipulation of text and graphics in Word.

Austin - Course 3

We started notes on lesson 9.3 (Pythagorean Theorem).

Homework - Lesson 9.3, 1-6, 12-14.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mercer Science

Today we went over the volcanic landform pictures and made connections
to the activity we did on Monday.
No homework.

Mercer Humanities

Today we worked on the power point presentations. Students need to be
finished by Monday to start classroom presentations.

Kettner's Science

We shared student's ideas about what objects would make a good model of
the inside of the earth. We then took notes about the composition of
the different layers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kettner's Science

Today we read from our text to try to answer the following questions:
What does the inside of the earth look like? What is it made of? How do
we know the answers to the previous questions?

Homework: Think of a way to model the size and composition of the
earth and jot down your idea in your notebook or bring the model to
class. Also, write down how scientists know about the composition and
the depth of each layer. Can you come up with a way to show some of
their techniques?

Mercer Science

Today we reflected on the activity that we did yesterday. Some students
need to finish applying the activity to real life photos of land
formations that were handed out today.

Mercer Humanities

1st and 3rd hours brainstormed in groups about what we know about Asia.
Most African missions were returned. 2nd hour had celebrated the end of
the missions with 2 samples of African food.
The power point presentations will start on Monday.

Austin - Course 3

We finished notes on lesson 9.1.

Homework-Worksheet 9.1, # 9-16, all, 17 - 39, odds only.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mercer Science

Today we simulated volcanic activity through the earth's surface.
No homework.

Mercer Humanities

Today students were working on their power point presenations in the
media center. We will work on them more on Wed.
I would like them to be done by Friday so we can start presenting them
on Monday.

Kettner's Science

During third hour we started to read about the inside of the earth. For
homework, think of a way to model the size and composition of the earth
and jot down your idea in your notebook or bring the model to class.
Also, write down how scientists know about the composition and the depth
of each layer. During 7th hour, we finished labeling all of the
earthquakes and found patterns in the locations. For homework, complete
reading the article Earthquakes and complete the vocabulary worksheet
for tomorrow.

Austin - Course 3

We started notes on lesson 9.1, square roots.

Homework-Worksheet 9.1, #1-8.

P.E. acivity collage 4/19

Monday 4/19
Today students received their P.E. assignment. Their task is to create
a collage depicting healthy physical activities. The collage needs to
be on an 8 x 10 sheet of paper. Using pictures and words from magazines
and/or newspapers to completely cover the sheet. The pictures and words
may not be larger than a playing card. Use of multiple pictures and
words is not accepted.
0 PTS.= student showed very little effort or did not complete
5 pts.= student attempted project, 50% or more of paper is showing,
project needs work.
7pts.= student covered 75% or more of paper but not all, information
meet the requirement of the activity.
10 pts.= student completely covered the sheet of paper with pictures
and words that reflect absolutely the requirements of the activity.
DUE: Friday 4/23

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kettner's Science

Both classes shared their current events about the most recent
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Third hour completed the activity
that required them to plot numerous earthquakes on a world map and began
a vocabulary exercise. This should be done for Monday. 7th hour just
started plotting the earthquakes and will get caught up on Monday.

Mercer Science

Today we did a RAFT assignment where the students took on the role of a
volcano and they had to write a news article warning the surrounding
people of immanent eruption. They needed to use vocabulary and follow
the 5 w's of writing an article.
No homework.

Mercer Humanities

Today the final African mission was due today.
We will continue to work on the power point presentation next week.

Austin - Course 3

Students took quiz on lessons 8.5 and 8.8.

No homework.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mercer Science

Today 5th hour went over the work from Tuesday. 7th hour listened to a
local author share her new novel "Tyler Hill".

Mercer Humanities

Today the students worked on their power point presentations. We will
continue to work on them Monday.
The final African mission is due tomorrow.

Kettner's science

Today students plotted the location of various earthquakes around the
world and made generalizations.

Homework: Complete current event.

Austin - Course 3

We went over homework 8.8. We reviewed for our quiz tomorrow.

Homework- Study.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kettner's Science

Today we worked in groups to design and build earthquake proof structures. We then tested our structures and reflected about our design.

Homework: Look through current newspapers, magazines, or online periodicals for an article about earthquakes, volcanoes or other geologic wonders. The article could be about current happenings, research, or any new findings.

Requirements of assignment:
* Read the entire article (make sure you understand it).
* Summarize the article in your own words and include your opinion about the research or event. How does the structure and movements of the earth affect people and the community in which they live?
* You must have a copy of the article attached to your summary. Be sure to ask permission before you rip or cut anything out of a magazine. You can bring in the whole magazine and I will make a copy of it.
* Must be in final draft form - on loose-leaf, in blue or black ink, spelling and grammar need to be checked - yes, you can type it.

Mercer Science

Today we used information from yesterday to complete a worksheet on
volcanic landforms.
The students should complete the "Types of Volcanoes" packet questions
for tomorrow.

Mercer Humanities

Today we started working on the African power point presentation. There
were some glitches with the computers, but hopefully they will work
better tomorrow. There is no due date for the power point yet.
The 6th African mission is due Thursday.

Austin - Course 3

We finished notes on lesson 8.8. Quiz Thursday.

Homework-Worksheet 8.8, # 5-10.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mercer Science

Today we read about the different types on volcanoes and how they form.
We will use the information from today for the assignment tomorrow.
No homework.

Mercer Humanities

Today we went over the schedule for the rest of the week. They will be
working on a final power point presentation on their African nation in
class. We hope to be finished with them on Thursday.
The 6th and final mission is for sure due Thursday.

Kettner's Science

Today we did an activity to model the movement of the earth when an earthquake strikes.

Homework: Look through current newspapers, magazines, or online periodicals for an article about earthquakes, volcanoes or other geologic wonders. The article could be about current happenings, research, or any new findings.

Requirements of assignment:
* Read the entire article (make sure you understand it).
* Summarize the article in your own words and include your opinion about the research or event. How does the structure and movements of the earth affect people and the community in which they live?
* You must have a copy of the article attached to your summary. Be sure to ask permission before you rip or cut anything out of a magazine. You can bring in the whole magazine and I will make a copy of it.
* Must be in final draft form - on loose-leaf, in blue or black ink, spelling and grammar need to be checked - yes, you can type it.

Due date: Thursday, April 15

College Technology

Time flies when you are having fun!  It is the last week of class!  Please check the gradebook to be sure all work is in, Mrs. Kennedy has been speaking to students and open during lunch for extra work time all marking period, so any missing assignments should not be a surprise.
The College Research Presentation was due today and presentations have begun.  All presentations need to be complete by Thursday.  Hope the rest of the school year is as fun as these past 10 weeks!
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Austin - Course 3

We went over lesson 8.5.

No homework.