Thursday, September 30, 2010

What We Did Today  
Problemsolving and Chapter 1 review

Complete Chapter 1 practice test
Test Friday
Use the study guide in the textbook for review pages 45-48
Homework logs and signed quizzes due Friday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mr. Hill Science 9-30-2010

What We Did Today
We concluded our discussion on how "water in the air" can affect weather. We took our own measurements of  humidity, relative humidity, and dew point and discussed the results.

Section 2 review
Check for understanding for the following concepts: Dew Point, Humidity, and Relative Humidity.

Discussion starters
How does air temperature affect hunitity and realitive humidity differantly?
What is a phychrometer? What does it measure?
What does the dew point tell us?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Payton Course 3 - 09/28/10

What We Did Today
Answered questions on section 7.6

Pg 45: 5,6 also make a histogram,7-39 odd
Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Austin-Course 3

We presented problem solving problems from homework.  Students received a practice test. 
Homework-Finish practice test.
Test is Monday for 3rd hour and Tuesday for 2nd and 4th hour.


Today in Tech we took the whole hour and got everyone caught up.  I impressed upon the students that if they felt like they were falling behind they can come in at lunch, on their days, B&E, as I have a few Elementary classes that run into my lunch period on other days.  Keyboarding may also be completed at home and printed for submission if the student would rather complete their assignments there.
Everyone should have their KB8 and Excel 1: Lemonade turned in.  Students received their new Keyboarding Lesson, KB9, which is due October 8th, this should give them 2 class periods to complete this assignment.
Thank you to all the parents who have already been on Family Access to monitor their students progress, with the new rotations it can be very easy for a student to fall behind.  If we all work together our students will succeed :)
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Payton Course 3 - 09/30/10

Hour 1, Course 3
What We Did Today
Took Chapter 1 test.

Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Austin-Course 3

Today we took notes on problem solving strategies, lesson 1.7.
Homework-worksheet 1.7, all (you may choose one problem to skip).
Test Monday for 1st and 3rd hour, Tuesday for 4th hour.

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over one of the Africa atlas worksheets using the atlas.  They were assigned the second Africa atlas worksheet due at the end of the hour.
Homework: All students need to complete notes on East Asia, pgs 470-472.  Their format should follow what was on the board - China: mountains, rivers, and deserts - Japan: mountains and volcanoes, earthquakes, and climate - Koreas: their choice of what they feel is geographically important.  This is due tomorrow.
1st and 5th hour have a current event due on Friday.
Discussion starter: What is the largest desert in the world?  What is the longest river in the world? What 2 important seas are found around Africa?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Mr. Hill Science 9-29-2010

What We Did Today
We studied how "water in the air" can affect weather. We discussed the topics of humidity, relative humidity, and dew point.

Check for understanding for the following concepts: Dew Point, Humidity, and Relative Humidity.
(Reread the sections of the reading that contain definitions of which you are uncertain)   

Discussion starters
How does air temperature affect hunitity and realitive humidity differantly?
What is a phychrometer? What does it measure?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Payton Course 3 - 09/29/10

Hour 1
What We Did Today
Discussed 1.7 and answered questions
Worked on practice test for chapter 1 (Handout)
Finish review, study for test
Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Mr. Hill 9-27-2010

What We Did Today
Hours 2,4 and 6
We conducted 7 unique air pressure labs

Finish article summery

Discussion starters
Air Pressure; Egg in a Bottle; Crushed Can; Movement of Weather 

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mr. Payton Algebra 9-27-2010

Algebra 1

Hour 2 and 4: 2.2 p. 77, 3-23 odd, 26-31, 33, 37, 41, 43, 53


Hour 5: 2.3 p. 82, 3-13 odd, 17-25 odd, 29, 33, 37, 43, 44


Quiz over 2.1 and 2.4 Wednesday for all Algebra courses.

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours shared their current events with the class. 
Homework: Students need to read pgs 377-383 about South Asia.  They need to take notes divided into 3 parts: land forms, water features, and climate.  These notes must include specific names and details. This was assigned on Monday.
Discussion starter: What was the most interesting news story discussed in class?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Monday, September 27, 2010

Carter Course 3 9/27

What We Did Today 
Using the Perimeter, Area, & Distance formula to solve problems

Worksheet 1.6 all 

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin-Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We took notes on lesson 1.5.
Homework-Worksheet 1.5, all.
3rd Hour
We took notes on lesson 1.6.
Homework-Worksheet 1.6, # 1-15.

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over the Ch 2 assessment and the African geography notes that were assigned over the weekend.
Homework: All classes need to take notes on South Asia, pg 377-383.  They are to list names and write details for land forms, water features, and climates.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event article and summary due tomorrow.
* So far there are several students who are missing homework assignments.  Progress report grades are due this Friday.  More than one missing assignment will result in a lower progress report grade.  Emails and phone calls will be happening this week.
Discussion starter:  What are some specific geographic details about Africa?  Are you all caught up with your homework assignments?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We went over the Ch 2 Sect 1 sheet on the 5 themes of geography.  We then completed and atlas worksheet on Africa. 
Homework: Students must read pages 291-295.  Students are to take notes in three parts: landforms, water features, and climate.  Notes should include specific names and details.  These notes will be checked in Monday.
Discussion starter: What are some geographic features in Africa? What are the 5 themes of geography?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Carter Course 3 9/24

What We Did Today 
Using mental math to solve problems with variables

Worksheet 1.5  All

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mr. Hill 9-24-2010

What We Did Today
We took test 1 on the scientific method.

Two optional extra credit assignments on the scientific method. 

Discussion starters
Scientific Method;  Different Types of Variables; Data tables; Mass, Volume, and Length Units

Have a safe weekend every one!

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Carter Course 3 9/23

What We Did Today 
Quiz review and quiz

No homework


Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: In 1st and 5th hours we shared our current event articles.  We are still molding the class into a students driven forum.  Please talk with your son or daughter about their articles, they need your assistance.
Homework: All students need to complete the Ch 2 Sect 2 worksheet and the Ch 2 assessment on page 50 (Terms and names 1-8 and review questions 1-8).  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours need to have their current event article and summary completed for Tuesday the 28th.
Discussion starter: What news articles were discussed in class? 
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Austin-Course 3

3rd hour-quiz today.
No homework.
2nd and 4th hour- Quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Carter Course 3 9/22

What We Did Today 
Order of operations

Complete practice quiz
Quiz Thursday


Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School


Technology class has begun full force.  Students received their first keyboarding assignment, which is due Monday, September 27th.  We also began our first Excel Assignment, Lemonade Stand.  I have not attached either as students need access to the district servers to complete the work, this is not possible from home.
I try and allot enough time for all student to successfully complete assignments during class time, should this not be enough time for your student I will give lunch passes to my room and am going to be teaching a Computer Support time during ACES.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Carter Course 3 9/21

What We Did Today  2nd & 6th hours only
Variables, powers and exponents

Textbook pg. 15 & 16
#'s 6, 11, 13, 16, 20, 22, 38, 39, 40

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We went over the atlas sheet from last week.  All students received their textbooks and started on the assignment.
Homework: All students must finish the guided reading sheet on the 5 themes of geography.
1st and 5th hours have a current event due on Thursday the 23rd.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due Tuesday the 28th.
Discussion starters: What is your current event about?  Why is your article important?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Austin - Course 3

Today we finished taking notes on lesson 1.4.
Homework-worksheet 1.4, # 1-18. 
Quiz Thursday

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: In 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours we went over the current event directions and form.  We read a sample article and filled out the form together.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due on Tuesday the 28th.  1st and 5th hours have a current event article due Thursday the 23rd.
Discussion starter: What is happening in Nigeria?  What is your current event about?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Mr. Hill 9-20-2010

What We Did Today
We worked on the proper procedure for making DATA TABLES and GRAPHS. We also conducted a density lab in which we changed the density of fresh water.

Finish the "Making Data Tables" worksheet. 

Discussion starters
DATA TABLES and GRAPHS; Density; Independent Variable; Dependent Variable

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Friday, September 17, 2010

Carter Course 3 9/17

What We Did Today 
Order of operations and variables 

Worksheet 1.3 #1-16

Mrs. Austin - Course 3

Hours 2 and 4
We started taking notes on lesson 1.3.
Homework-worksheet 1.3, # 1-8 (this was very easy, most finished in class)
Hour 3
We finished notes on lesson 1.3.  We did practice in class.
Homework-Worksheet 1.3, # 9 - 26.

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today was Constitution Day.  We talked about the Bill of Rights, other important amendments, and the three main Articles.
Homework: No homework this weekend.
Discussion starter: What are the Bill of Rights?  What are some important amendments?  Is Constitution Day constitutional?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mr. Hill 9-16-2010

What We Did Today
We preformed the "pretzel lab"and identified all the components of the scientific method. We also introduced the concept of independent, dependent and standardizing variables

Finish your "Pretzel Lab" graphs and lab analysis questions. 

Discussion starters
Scientific Method; Pretzle Lab; Different Types of Variables; Pretzels Per Minute

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today students completed an atlas worksheet reviewing basic skills.  Then the students were assigned to answer the guiding question "How is the geography of the Eastern Hemisphere different from the geography of the Western Hemisphere?"  They used information they gathered together on Tuesday to create a two paragraph answer. 
Homework: Finish the two paragraph answer for tomorrow.
Discussion starter: What are some differences between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Carter- Course 3 9/16

What We Did Today 
Mrs. Carter will be attending a workshop at Oakland Schools today.  There will be a substitute teacher.  Practice and review. 

Worksheets 1.2B odds was assigned on Wednesday.  It is due Friday.

Carter Course 3 9/15

What We Did Today 
Order of operations 

Worksheet 1.2B odds due Friday
Discussion Starters
Why do we need the order of operations?

Austin Course 3 - 09/15/10

What We Did Today
3rd hour only-  we did lesson 1.2, order of operations.
Worksheet 1.2, # 1 - 16, 29 - 32.

Mercer - Humanities 9/15/10

What we did today: 1st and 5th hour students received a direction sheet explaining how current events will be done this year in my class.  We read a current event article together and practiced filling out the current event form.
Homework: 1st and 5th hour students are to get the bottom of the current event direction sheet signed and turned in.  Students are to find a current event article and fill out the current event form for the next C day, Thursday the 23rd.
Discussion starter: What is going on in the African country of Guinea?  What is your current event article going to be about?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Carter Course 3 9/14

What We Did Today
We practiced setting up  histograms and frequency tables.

Worksheet (WS) 1.1B all

Discussion Starters
What is the difference between a histogram and a bar graph?

Mr.Hill 9-14-2010

What We Did Today
We covered the lab report write-up guidelines. We generated "Pretzel Prediction" lab in which we followed the nine steps of the "Scientific Method" used by researchers.

Finish your Pretzel Lab description and layout

Discussion starters
Write-Up Guidelines; Scientific Method; Pretzle Lab; Bullet Proof Procedure; If...Then...Because...Hypothesis 

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hill Science - 09/13/10

What We Did Today
We covered the lab report write-up guidelines. We generated two hypothetical scenarios in which we followed the nine steps of the "Scientific Method" used by researchers.

Find the definition for both an independent and dependent variable.

Discussion starters
Write-Up Guidelines; Scientific Method; Pretzle Lab

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hill Science - 09/08/10

What We Did Today
We watched the "Understanding Weather" video, completed a worksheet, and finished covering classroom policies.

Get parent signature on the syllabus.  Collect materials for class on Monday.

Discussion starters
Extreme weather; classroom policies; materials for Monday.

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348