Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Students turned in their Africa project and some shared with the class.
Homework: No homework
I hope to speak with as many parents as I can tonight and tomorrow at conferences.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Carter Course 3 10/26

What We Did Today
Chapter 2 review
Complete chapter 2 practice test
Chapter 2 Test Tuesday, November 2
Study Guide  textbook pages 102-106

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

All classes took notes on lesson 2.7, Distributive Property.
Homework- 2nd and 4th hour- worksheet 2.7, # 1 - 6.
                  3rd hour - worksheet 2.7, 7 - 20.
What We Did Today

We studied the correlation between surface temperature and air temperature.

Finish these three questions relating to todays first lab.a. How did the temperature of each container affect the temperature of the air above it?

b. The movement of heat is also called heat transfer. Describe the heat transfer between the container of hot water and the air. Describe the heat transfer between the container of cold water and the air.

c. Under what conditions was it difficult to see through the cylinder? Why do you think this happened?

Discussion starters
Convection;Conduction;Radiation; Convection Tubes; Hot Water and Condensation;

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we continued to practice Western African country identification.  I took some final questions about the project due tomorrow.  Students began to read Ch 11 sect 1 and answer questions on the worksheet.
Homework: All students have the five themes of geography (Africa) project due tomorrow.  Also some students will need to finish the Ch 11 sect 1 worksheet.
Discussion starter: What is a coup d'etat?  Why do coups happen?  Which African countries have had coups?  Is you project ready to turn in tomorrow?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: 1st and 5th hours watched the CNN student news and we covered the Michigan governor's race.
Homework: The Africa project is due Wednesday.  You may see the directions and rubric in my file on this blog.
Discussion starter: What countries are you researching for the project.  What format have you chosen?  Will it be done for Wednesday?

Carter Course 3 10/25

What We Did Today
Coordinate Plane
WS 2.8 all or pg 96 & 97 1-32 odds
Chapter 2 Test Tuesday, November 2
Study Guide  textbook pages 102-106

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

2nd hour only
We started notes on lesson 2.7 (distributive property).
Homework- worksheet 2.7, # 1-6.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Carter Course 3 10/22

What We Did Today
Commutative, Associative, & Distributive property

No homework

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over the South Africa worksheet that was due today.  All students were given the directions to the Africa 5 themes of geography project due Wednesday.
Homework: African 5 themes of geography project due Wednesday the 27th.
Discussion starter: How did non-white South Africans try to bring about change in South Africa?  How did other countries try to change apartheid in South Africa?  Why is Nelson Mandela considered a hero to many South Africans?

Austin - Course 3

We took a quiz today on lessons 2.1 - 2.5.  We took notes on lesson 2.6, the associative and commutative properties.
Homework-worksheet 2.6, # 1-20.


TGIF!  Students began Excel #4 - CandyStore.  This is an assignment that needs to be completed in the school building as students use a file that they down loaded from a shared drive on the server.  This assignment is due Wed, October 27th. 
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Carter Course 3 10/21

What We Did Today
Distributive property

WS 2.7 odds


Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we set up our warm up pages in our notebooks.  We watched a 20 minute video on South Africa and wrote down new things we learned from it.  We went over the geography test.
Homework: Students need to complete the worksheet about important South African dates and events.
Discussion starters: What is Apartheid?  Who was the first Black African president of South Africa?  Why was South Africa not invited to participate in the Olympics before 1992?

Mr. Hill 10-21-2010

What We Did Today
All hours
We studied global and local winds and the properties the govern these patterns.

Complete the section 3 review, and study daily sciences 1-12 for Fridays daily science quiz (don't stress its open note).

Discussion starters
Coriolis Effect; Jet stream; Trade Winds; Westerlies; Polar Easterlies; Land Breeze VS Sea Breeze

Have a great day,

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Austin - Course 3

2nd hour only
Homework- Finish practice quiz and worksheet 2.5 # 16 - 22.

Mercer - Humanities

Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due tomorrow.  All students will receive the instructions for an upcoming project due on Wednesday October 27th.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

Homework: 1st and 5th hours need to have a current event article due.


Due to the adjusted schedule we spent today and will spend tomorrow catching up and giving those that need extra time to complete work that time.  To date the following assignments are due:
Keyboarding 8 & 9
Excel Assignments 1, 2, &3
Practices and Expectations Signature Sheet.
Happy MEAPing :)
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Austin-Course 3

3rd hour only
Students took notes on lesson 2.5.
Homework- worksheet 2.5, # 1 - 15.
Quiz on 2.1 - 2.5 on Friday.

Carter Course 3 10/19

What We Did Today  
The Commutative and Associative Properties
Worksheet 2.6 All due Thursday
Quizzes returned today

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we are doing this week: We are going over Chapter 10 Sections 3 and 4.  We are also doing a K and L activity on Africa.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours had a current event due today.  1st and 5th hours have a current event due on Thursday the 21st.  All students are going to be assigned a project on Friday that will bu due on Wednesday October 27th.

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
Students took notes on lesson 2.5.
Homework- worksheet 2.5, # 1 - 15.
Quiz on 2.1 - 2.5 on Friday.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Students submitted their KB9 World Cities and their Excel #2 Charts and Graphs.  When both of these assignments have been turned in students are moving on to a Quick and Easy Excel #3 Math.  With the crazy MEAP schedule this assignment will be due next meeting.
EXTRA CREDIT:  Hand Sanitizer and Tissues are desperately needed in the Computer Lab.  I have Clorox Wipes for the keyboards, but to keep our students healthy (and me) please send in tissues and hand sanitizer.  I will accept a total of 5 extra credit supplies each marking period.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: 4th, 5th , and 6th hours had social studies/humanities today.  We went over the western African countries on their map.  Students then worked on the two assignments that are due tomorrow (for 4th, 5th, and 6th hours).
Homework: All hours need to have pages 301-305 read.  The section 3 assessment on page 305 must be completed for tomorrow.  Additionally 4th, 5th, and 6th hours need to have pages 307-310 read.  They also need to have the section 4 assessment on page 310 completed for tomorrow.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event article due Monday.
Discussion starter:  Name 3 countries in western Africa?  What is apartheid?  What is colonialism?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

All students need to read pages 301 - 305 and complete the section 3 assessment on page 305.  This must be done for Friday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

MEAP week
Students should have ch 3 assessment on page 305 done for Thursday.

Austin-COurse 3

2nd and 4th hour
Students did a review in class.  No Homework.


Students are working hard on their Keyboarding 9 and Excel Assignment #2 Graphs and Charts.  All is due by Friday October 14th.  A few students have completed the Graphing Assignment and will be moving on to Excel Assignment #3 Math problems.  We are trying to be sure that each student has enough time to complete their work while challenging those that are ready to move forward.

Mr. Hill 10-11-2010

What We Did Today
F-Day Hours 1 and 5
We studied the heating and cooling rates of earth materials to better understand the differences in air pressure from place to place.

Finish ALL portions of your "Heating and Cooling Rates" LAB.

Discussion starters
What earth materials absorb heat the fastest? What materials cool the fastest?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Monday, October 11, 2010

Carter Course 3 10/11

What We Did Today  
Multiplying integers
Worksheet 2.4 odds

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Fwd: McCarthy Phys Ed - 10/11/10

>>> Corrine McCarthy 10/11/2010 1:30 PM >>>
What We Did Today
Classes participated in flag football games.


FITNESS QUESTION of the month:

 Physical activity is one component of a healthy lifestyle.  Describe how active you are on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. What other kinds of healthy lifestyle choices do you incorporate into your daily routine?


Essays are DUE on NOV 1st for 7th grade.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we took the geography test.
Homework: Complete the Western Africa map.  Read pages 301 - 305 in the social studies textbook.  When finished complete the section 3 assessment on pg 305.  1st and 5th hours have a current event article due Monday.
Discussion starter: How did you do on the test?

Austin-Course 3

We started notes on subtraction of integers.
Homework-worksheet 2.3, # 1-12

Payton Course 3 - 10/8/10

What We Did Today
Hour 1 was assigned 2.1-2.3 packet.
Quiz on 2.1-2.3 Monday

Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Carter Course 3 10/7

What We Did Today  
Adding and subtracting positive and negative integers
Adding and subtracting integers rules

Worksheet 2.3B  #'s 1-20
Worksheet 2.3C # 1-21

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we reviewed for the geography test tomorrow.
Discussion starter: Where is your study guide?  Can I look at it?  Ask questions about what is on the study guide.

Payton Course 3 - 10/7/10

What We Did Today
Reviewed ch. 1 test
Discussed 2.2 and answered questions
Began 2.3
PG 70: 3-33 odd, 40
Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we had some great discussions about current news issues.  Students turned in their current events and in some classes we talked about them.
Homework: Students should be studying their study guide and have a completed study guide for tomorrow.  The test is This Friday.
Discussion starters: What is the current situation for the 33 miners stuck in the Chilean mine?  Why is the new immigration law so controversial? 

Austin Course 3

we went over lesson 2.1.
Homework-ws 2.1, all.

Mr.Hill 10-6-2010

What We Did Today
F-Day Hours 2,4,and 6
We studied the heating and cooling rates of earth materials to better understand the differences in air pressure from place to place.

Finish ALL portions of your "Heating and Cooling Rates" LAB.

Discussion starters
What earth materials absorb heat the fastest? What materials cool the fastest? 

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Course 3 - Payton 10/5/10

Today we covered 1.7 questions and began reviewing for our chapter 1 test which will be on Thursday.
Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Carter Course 3 10/5

What We Did Today  
Adding and subtracting positive and negative integers

Worksheet 2.2B  #'s 2-19
Last day to return signed tests and all missing work is Thursday.

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mr.Hill 10-5-2010

What We Did Today
We studied the factors that contribute to the creation of severe storms (thunder storm, tornado, and hurricane). We build functioning models of tornado's and made observation of the forces that power a tornado. 

Read the "Severe Weather" handout that was passed out at the beginning of class (this reading contains the talking points for Thursdays class discussion).    

Discussion starters
Vortex; Debris; Warm/Cold Air; Density of Air; Tornado 
Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mr.Hill 10-4-2010

What We Did Today
We studied the factors that contribute to the creation of severe storms (thunder storm, tornado, and hurricane). We build functioning models of tornado's and made observation of the forces that power a tornado. 

Read the "Severe Weather" handout that was passed out at the beginning of class (this reading contains the talking points for Thursdays class discussion).    

Discussion starters
Vortex; Debris; Warm/Cold Air; Density of Air; Torando 
Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we worked on the final atlas sheet of the year.  We spent the rest of the hour going over the study guide and locating the geographic features on the map.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due tomorrow.  ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR THE TEST ON FRIDAY OCT. 8th.
Discussion starters: What are two important rivers that flow through South Asia?  Why is the Gobi Desert unique?  Where is Mt. Fiji located and why is it unique?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Payton Course 3 - 10/5/10

Course 3 Hour 1
What We Did Today
Corrected 2.1 HW
Discussed 2.2
Pg 65: 3-11 odd, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25-35 odd, 53
Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Monday, October 4, 2010

Austin-Course 3

3rd hour had their chapter test today.  No homework.  2nd and 4th hour have their test tomorrow.  STUDY!!

Carter Course 3 10/4

What We Did Today  
Returned Chapter 1 Test
Finding absolute value of an integer
Positive and negative integers

Worksheet 2.1B all
Return signed tests

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

What We Did Today

What We Did Today
Hour 1 P 59: 3-43 odd, 52
Hour 6 P 45: 3,5,7,10-13,16,24-26

Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over African atlas work.  Students were assigned Asia atlas work to be completed in class.  Today all students received the study guide for the geography test on Friday.
Homework: Because the MEAP is next week, we are having our geography test on Friday.  All students received a study guide today.  They have notes they have been taking for the past couple weeks that should help them prepare.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due on Wednesday the 6th.
Discussion starter: Do you have your study guide?  Do you have your notes?  Do you need to ask Mr. Mercer for clarification about the study guide?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: 1st and 5th hours participated in the current events activity today.  They played the role of traveling reporters and stationary reporters.  They reported on the current events of the class.
Homework: No homework for the weekend.
Discussion starter: What are some details of the new planet discovery?  What were some of the more interesting articles from class about?
Allen Mercer
7th grade humanities
Norup International
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park Mi 48237

Payton Course 3 - 10/1/10

What We Did Today
Finished Chapter test 1
Worked on Alternative Thinking Strategies for Chapter 1

Chris Payton
Algebra 1 and Course 3
Norup International