Friday, December 17, 2010

Carter Course 3 12/17

All missing assignments and test corrections are due Wednesday, January 5th.  Have a wonderful, restful break!

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

HOMEWORK: 1st and 5th hours need to have a current event on the Monday we get back.


Today we cleaned up a few missing assignments and then continued our study of Cyberbullying and Netiquette.  We discussed the use of videos and how we can help victims of cyberbullying.  Discuss with your student the importance of standing up and talking to an adult in these situations, we can't help if we don't know.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Carter Course 3 12/16

What We Did Today:
Solving Equations 

WS 3.1 #1-12

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanitties

What we did today: We took a trip to the Holocaust Memorial Center.  In 4th, 5th, and 6th hours we reflected on our trip through writing and talking.
Homework:  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours need to turn in a current event if they didn't on Wed. or today.

Austin-Course 3

Wednesday December 15th
2nd hour-finished test.  No homework.
4th hour-Did math activities.  No homework.
Thursday-No classes due to field trip.  No homework.
Mary Austin
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mr. Hill Science 12-15-2010

What We Did Today

We reviewed for our UNIT TEST!

Study the readings, and reviews.

NOTE: The testhas been postponed till after break on the first Wednesday
after we return!

Discussion Starters

"What can I study tonight"
"Do I have all thematerials that should be in my science binder"

"Did I make my flash cards?"
"Is my review packet complete?"

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today 2nd, 4th , and 6th hours shared current events.
Homework: Bring in permission slip for Holocaust Museum if not done yet.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we shared current events and watched the video on Middle Eastern history.
Homework: No homework tonight.

Carter Course 3 12/10

What We Did Today:
Chapter 5 test 

Empty your folders.  Homework log # 8 due Monday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Carter Course 3 12/9

What We Did Today:
Chapter 5 review
Chapter 5 test Friday, 12/10

Study for the test

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We finished going over the worksheet that went along with the readings on pg. 243-247.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due tomorrow.


Students completed their Keyboarding #12 and continued on their Netiquette and Cyberbullying unit.  Attached is the Home Connection for you to review and discuss at home.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Mr. Hill Science 12-9-2010

What We Did Today:

Today we continued our exploration of trends between earthquakes and plate boundaries. We also went over our review for the unit exam scheduled for the following Friday before break. This review packet is to be completed by Monday. 


Finish the review packet for Mondays class.

Discussion Starters:
Up Coming Unit Test

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mr.Hill 12-8-2010 Science

What We Did Today:

Today we explored current earthquake locations and plotted them on a world map looking for trends


Study for tomorrows tectonic plates quiz... be able to name as many as you can!

Discussion Starters:
3 Types of Faults; Why do most earthquakes fall on tectonic plate boundaries

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Carter Course 2 12/8

What We Did Today:
Mean, median, mode, & range
Chapter 5 test Friday, 12/10

WS 5.8 #1-10 (you may use a calculator)

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

 What we did today: We started to go over the questions from the readings assigned on Monday. 
Homework: No homework tonight.

Course 3 - Graham

1st hour:
Test on Chapter 5 tomorrow (Thursday 12/9)
Happy Studying!
6th hour:
We are reviewing.  Our test is next Monday (12/13)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: students shared current events and 4th and 6th hours watched a video.
Homework: All students need to must have the worksheet finished for tomorrow.  The worksheet goes along with pages 243-247 in the social studies textbook.

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour

We did a practice test today.

Test on chapter 5 Thursday.

3rd hour

We did not have class today.

Chapter 5 test on Friday.


Tuesday, Dec. 7
What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes will begin playing volleyball this week.

FITNESS QUESTION of the month:

  • Explain how weather affects your activity level. 
  • Give at least five examples of indoor/outdoor activities you can do this winter to stay activity.
Essays should be neat, thorough,in final draft form and completed on time.
Due date is DEC. 8TH


**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Mr. Hill Science 12-7-2010

What We Did Today:

Today we explored earthquake causes and effects. The Video in class featured the 1994 LA quake (the most destructive earthquake in modern LA history).



Discussion Starters:
Hanging Wall; Footwall; Compression; Tension; Folding; Strike Slip Fault; 3 Types of Mountain Creation; 3 Types of Faults.

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today students took the Africa map test.  When they finished they filled out the new map of southwest, southern, and central Asia.  Students were also assigned the reading of pages 243-247 with a worksheet.
Homework:2nd, 4th , and 6th hours have a current event due tomorrow.  The worksheet that goes along with the readings is due for all students on Wednesday.

Course 3 - Graham

1st hour:
Homework is a practice Chapter 5 test (due on Wednesday)
I copied it for them from the textbook (p.285 - they do not have to do problems #21 or #23)
Test on Thursday!
6th hour:
Discussed Mean, median and mode today.  We also reviewed multiplying and dividing decimals.
Homework today is Practice A (1-10)


Students began Keyboarding #12; due Thursday December 9th.  We then had a discussion on Cyberbullying as the opener for our Netiquette and Internet Safety Unit.  Students will be examining the responsibilities of being a Cyber Citizen and how to stay safe and polite.  If you would like to discuss these topics with your child at home please see the attached Home Connection.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Friday, December 3, 2010

Carter Course 3 12/3

What We Did Today:
Multiplying and diving decimals
Chapter 5 test Friday, 12/10

Dividing decimals worksheet

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We took the African essay test.
Homework: Study for African map test.
Conversation starter: How did you do on the test?

Austin - Course 3

We worked on multiplication and division of decimals all hour. 
Homework- finish review sheet they started in class.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mercer - Humanities


Austin - Course 3

3rd hour only
We continued to work on lesson 5.7.
Homework-worksheet 5.7, #7 - 9, 11, 12, 15.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We continued to work on lesson 5.7.
Homework-worksheet 5.7, #7 - 9, 11,12,15.
3rd hour
We started notes on lesson 5.7.
Homework-worksheet 5.7, # 4-6,10,14.


Progress Reports are due soon (really already?) so we took today to be sure that all are caught up.  The whole hour was given for catch up as well as reminders as to what is owed.  Many students stayed in at lunch/recess to finish missing assignments.  Please double check your Family Access to see if there are still any missing assignments as I will not see students again to remind them.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We practiced African country map identification.  The students had to choose one of the five questions that they have been studying for and answer it through drawing a picture and explaining the picture.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due tomorrow.  The written Africa  test is Friday and the Africa map test is Monday.

course 3 - Graham

1st hour:
Started section 5.7 (multiplying and dividing fractions)
No homework tonight
6th hour:
Continued to work on changing fractions to decimals, adding and subtacting decimals.
Homework: 2 worksheets