Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced Africa map identification and we had a sample writing prompt about dictatorships and democracies.
Homework: Study for the test on Friday and the map test on Monday.  1st and 5th hours have a current event due on Thursday.

Carter Course 3 11/30

What We Did Today:
Adding and subtracting decimals
WS 5.5 # 1-12 & 24-30

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We started notes on lesson 5.7.
Homework-worksheet 5.7, # 4-6,10,14.
3rd hour
We took notes on lesson 5.6 (adding and subtracting decimals).
Homework-worksheet 5.6, # 1-12,19-22,24,25.

Course 3 - Graham

1st hour:
Great job on their Math Curse projects!
Discussed sections 5.6 (adding and subtracting dcimals)
Assigned worksheet 5.6 (odds except #13,15,17,29)
6th hour:
Finished section 5.5 (changing fractions to decimals)
Started section 5.6 (adding and subtracting decimals)
Assigned worksheets 5.5 (evens #8-28) and 5.6 (odds except #17,19,21)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mr. Hill 11-29-2010

What We Did Today (Hours 2,4, and 6)

Today we explored the multiple ways earths crustis deformed.

Finish sec 4 review.

Discussion Starters
Hanging Wall; Footwall; Compression; Tension;Folding; Strike Slip Fault; 3 Types of Mountain Creation; 3 Types of Faults

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour only
We took notes on lesson 5.6 (adding and subtracting decimals).
Homework-worksheet 5.6, # 1-12,19-22,24,25.


Monday, Nov. 29
What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes will meet Tuesday & Thursday this week.  Remember to bring gym clothes for class.

FITNESS QUESTION of the month:

  • Explain how weather affects your activity level. 
  • Give at least five examples of indoor/outdoor activities you can do this winter to stay activity.
Essays should be neat, thorough,in final draft form and completed on time.
Due date is DEC. 8TH


**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Carter Course 3 11/23

What We Did Today:
Converting decimals to fractions
WS 5.5 all

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School


Students completed their Letters and KB#11 today.  All work was to be turned in by the end of the hour.  Hoping to get all letters graded and in the mail by the end of the day :)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Austin - Course 3

We finished notes on lesson 5.5.
Homework-worksheet 5.5, # 20 -23, 25, 28 (most students finished in class).

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we played a game that helped with learning the terms and names for the test on Friday Dec. 3rd.  We also practiced African country identification for the Africa map test on Monday Dec. 6th.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due on Monday Nov. 29th.  ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR THE TESTS ON DEC. 3rd and DEC. 6th.  The study guide is available in the 7th grade Mercer Humanities folder.

Graham - Course 3

Course 3: 1st hour
We did an activity using the book the Math Curse.  I have attached the assignment info that the students received.  It was all in fun, not meant to be stressful.  The kids seemed to have fun with it, and most got a huge chunk of it done in class.
Course 3 : 6th hour
We took our quiz today on fractions.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mr. Hill 11-22-2010

What We Did Today

Today we explored tectonic plate movement in lab.

Finish lab analysis questions

Discussion Starters
Tectonic Plate movement is about as the same speed that your fingernails grow(~1cm per year); Subduction Zones;Mid-Ocean Ridges; Sea FloorSpreading; Continental Collisions

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We practiced map identification and we went over the study guide I handed out today.  We wrote down the page numbers to be used in the book for studying.  We also added other terms that may be used in the answers to the questions.
Homework:  THE WRITTEN AFRICA TEST IS FRIDAY DEC. 3RD.  THE AFRICA MAP TEST IS MONDAY DEC. 6TH.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due on Mon. Nov. 29th.  All students should be preparing for the test.

Carter Course 3 11/22

What We Did Today:
converting fractions to decimals
No homework

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

We started notes on lesson 5.5.
Homework-worksheet 5.5 # 1-17.

Course 3 Graham 11/22

Discussed changing fractions to decimals
Assigned worksheet 5.5B (4-30 evens)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Carter Course 3 11/19

What We Did Today:
Fraction review and quiz 

No homework
Homework log # 6 due Monday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Graham Course 3 - 11/19/10

What We Did Today
Finished up our 5.1 to 5.4 quizzes
Divisibility Worksheet
Discussion Starters
Ask about our Skeleton Key Game

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mercer - humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced for the upcoming test.  We also finished working on the country profiles.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due tomorrow.

Carter Course 3 11/18

What We Did Today:
Math quarterly test 

Fractions packet due Friday
Homework log # 6 due Friday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School


Students finished up typing and peer editing our two letters today.  We then learned how to format and print an envelope on the computer.  Letters that are finished and handed in today should go out in the mail by Monday, check those mailboxes.
Letter Writing Rubric below.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We practiced African country identification.  We also continued to practice for our upcoming test.  The test will be after Thanksgiving break.  For the last 20 minutes of class each student was given a country profile of an African nation.  They were to see if certain vocabulary terms apply to that particular country.  We will continue this tomorrow.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due Friday.
Discussion starter: How has Ghana's government and The Democratic Republic of the Congo's government changed since independence?  Think about the terms coup, dictator, corruption, and democracy. Think about Mobutu and Nkrumah.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Tuesday, Nov.16th

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes are now playing a game called 'PADDLEBIRD'.  This is a great hand eye coordination game.  It is played on a volleyball court using volleyball rules, ping pong paddles and a birdie.


FITNESS QUESTION of the month:

  • Explain how weather affects your activity level. 
  • Give at least five examples of indoor/outdoor activities you can do this winter to stay activity.
Essays should be neat, thorough,in final draft form and completed on time.
Due date is DEC. 8TH


**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today students received new maps (northern Africa, southern Africa, and all of Africa).  We also created test questions based on my grouping of the vocabulary terms.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and, 6th hour have a current event due tomorrow on Africa.

Austin - Course 3

We started notes on lesson 5.4, dividing fractions.
Homework-worksheet 5.4, # 1-10.


Rough drafts for both letters were due today.  Students checked them in with me today and then returned to their desks to type them into a new Word Document.  Thursday we will be creating the envelopes for the second letter (the person who has made a positive impact on the student's life) so having that address is mandatory.  Rubric and project description are attached.
Final drafts are due Tuesday, Nov 23.
Keyboarding 11 was passed out, due Tuesday, Nov 23 also
I am open at lunch everyday but "A" days as I have elementary students 20 minutes into lunch.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced our Africa map and filled out a graphic organizer.  The graphic organizer centered around African history, economics, geography, culture, and civics. 
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due Tuesday.

Carter Course 3 11/12

What We Did Today
Dividing fractions

Worksheet 5.4 odds due Thursday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

We finished notes on lesson 5.3, multiplying fractions.
Homework- worksheet 5.3, # 1-14, 16, 18 - 20.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Austin - Course 3

3rd hour only
We started notes on multiplying fractions.
No homework.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mr. Hill 11-10-2010

***Attention: Parents and Students ***

Due to a glitch in my grade reporting system your behavior grade is
shown as a C or a D. Please note that a D is in fact a 1 and a C is a 2.

New report cards are going out tomorrow reflecting the correct behavior
grade. I apologize for any undue stress this may have caused.

What We Did Today

Today we introduced our new unit of study "insidethe earth"!! I am
excited to get back in lab with you all. It is going to be fascinatingto
watch each of you discover for yourselves just how earth has been shaped
andreshaped throughout history.

No Homework

Discussion Starters

Tectonic Plate movement is about as thesame speed that your fingernails
grow (~1cm per year). Can you calculate whatthat would be in MPH?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: We continued to practice African country identification.  We also went over the classes answers to questions given at the end of the hour.  These are important questions that cover material on the upcoming test.  All students were given a list of important vocabulary words to be used in their responses on the upcoming test.  There is no official date for the test as of now.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event on Africa due tomorrow.
Discussion starter: What is apartheid?  What is the difference between subsistence farming and cash crop farming?  How is a dictatorship different from a democracy?

Carter Course 3 11/10

What We Did Today
Multipling fractions

Worksheet 5.3 odds 

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School


Students finished on Keyboarding #10, due today.  We began our Letter Writing Unit.  Each student is to write two letters, one to Mrs. Hitchcock and one to a person who has made a positive impact on the student's life.  These letters will be delivered to the recipient so please have those address books ready!  Rough drafts of letters are due Monday, Nov 15th.  Final drafts with envelopes are due Tuesday, Nov 23rd (so they can get in the mail prior to Thanksgiving).  We will be printing envelopes in class.
*Extra Credit Opportunity: Up to 4 first class stamps worth 2.5 points a piece.
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tuesday, Nov. 9th

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes have finished their fitness testing.  Students should continue to practice their push ups, sit ups, and flexibility.


FITNESS QUESTION coming later this week.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Carter Course 3 11/9

What We Did Today

Worksheet 5.2 #'s 5-14 & 18-20 

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we continued to practice African country identification.  We went over the worksheet on Kenya that was due today.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due on Thursday.  2nd, 4th, and 6th have a current event due on Tues. Nov. 16th.

Austin-Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
Students took notes on lesson 5.2.
Homework-worksheet 5.2, # 1-8, 10, 12, 15, 20.
3rd hour
Students took notes on lesson 5.1.
Homework-lesson 5.1 #1-21.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours read and analyzed different news articles about African issues.
Homework: Worksheet on Kenya is due tomorrow. 1st and 5th hours have a current event due Thursday.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event article due Tuesday Nov. 16th.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Carter Course 3 11/5

What We Did Today

Worksheet 5.2 #'s 1-5 & 15-17 

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over ch 11 sect 2 and ch 12 sect 2.  We compared and contrasted these regions in Africa.
Homework: Read pg 358 - 361 about Kenya.  Complete the worksheet for Tuesday.


Students wrapped up their Excel unit with Excel #5 due today.  Keyboarding 10 is due next class meeting (Wednesday, November 10).  Students will have a "surprise" touch typing test on Wed Nov. 10th, with their hands covered.  There are many free typing sites online that students could practice not looking at their hands :)
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Mr. Hill 11-5-2010

What We Did Today

We reviewed for next weeks UNIT TEST!
Specific items reviewed include, fronts, dew point, relativehumidity,
wind formation, the suns effect on wind, air temp and relativehumidity,
sea breezes and land breezes, climate zones, global warming,
thegreenhouse effect, and greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide, methane,
and water vapor).


1. Study the readings, fronts notes and section reviews.Locate and study
the information in you science binder pertaining to the study guideitems
that are titled "be sure to know…"
2. Get your parents signature on yourstudy guide.

Discussion Starters

"What can you study tonight" "Do you have all the materialsthat should
be in your science binder"

"Its review week study hard a little each eveningbefore your exam...have
a great week end"
Your exam is scheduled for next Tuesday 11/9/2010

NOTE: I will post the class notes for students who will be missing class
on Fridaydue to the orchestra concert. They will be located in the
documents section ofthe 7th grade blog.

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced our African map skills.  Then the students completed ch 11 sect 2 about cultures and economies of western and central Africa.
Homework: Students need to complete Ch 12 Sect 2 assessment on pg 350.  Terms and names: a,b, and c.  Main idea questions: a, b, and c.  Critical thinking question #4.  This is due tomorrow.
Discussion starter: What are characteristics that make up culture?  What are characteristics that make up an economy?

Carter Course 3 11/4

What We Did Today
Worksheet 5.1 #10-24

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

Students reviewed for their Chapter 2 test tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Carter Course 3 11/3

What We Did Today
Worksheet 5.1 #1-9
Homework log due today

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: 1st and 5th hour read different articles about African nations and current issues.  They first read them individually and identified the 5 w's.  Then they got into groups with the same articles and shared what they learned.  Then each group elected a spokesperson to share their groups article with the class.  Questions and comments were shared and answered.
Homework: No homework tonight.  Student current events for 1st and 5th hours will be due on the next C day, Thursday Oct. 11th.
Discussion starter:  What article did you read about?  What were some of the articles in class about?  What were your opinions and reactions?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over the notes from yesterday about Nigeria.  When we finished students were to compare and contrast the countries they chose for their project.
Homework: No homework tonight
Discussion starter: What are the three main ethnic groups in Nigeria?  What is the main source of income for the Nigerian government?

Mr. Hill 11-2-2010

What We Did Today

We reviewed for next weeks UNIT TEST!

Study the readings, fronts notes and sectionreviews. Look for
information about convection currents and pressure belts and check for
understanding by explaining it to your parents.

Discussion Starters

"What can you study tonight" "Do you have all thematerials that should
be in your science binder"

"Its review week study hard a little eachevening before your exam..."

Your exam is scheduled for next Tuesday 11/9/2010

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348


Students continued working on Excel #5 - Chocolate Chip Cookies...and I believe we will continue with Excel for at least one or two more assignments.  Students are either getting it or they aren't and the majority aren't.  Keyboarding #10 was given out and is due on November 10th (next Wednesday).
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mr. Hill 11-1-2010

WhatWe Did Today

We reviewed for next weeks UNIT TEST!

Finish flashcards and study them for short "homeworkquiz" tomorrow


Flash Cards; Unit Test; Homework Quiz

"Its review week study hard a little each evening before yourexam..."

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Fwd: McCarthy Phys Ed - 10/15/10

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes are fitness testing this week.  The Presidential Fitness standards are used for scoring.


FITNESS QUESTION of the month:

 Physical activity is one component of a healthy lifestyle.  Describe how active you are on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. What other kinds of healthy lifestyle choices do you incorporate into your daily routine?


Essays are DUE today for 7th grade.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over ch 11 sect 1.
Homework: Students need to read pg 330-333.  They need to write details about the Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa ethnic groups.  They also need to write the main ideas for the sub sections: becoming a democracy, Nigeria's economy, Nigerian art and literature, and who is Wole Soyinka?  This is due tomorrow.
Discussion starter: Why was Mobutu overthrown in Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo)?  Why was Kwame Nkrumah overthrown in Ghana?  Why have African nations had problems establishing stable governments after they have gained independence?