Monday, January 31, 2011

Carter Course 3 1/31

What We Did Today
Solving fraction equations with variables

complete cumulative review #33-47
Plus notetaking guide page 124 if not completed in class

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced the Asia map and worked in small groups reading about a particular Asian nation.  Each group will share their information tomorrow with the class.
Homework:  ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR THE TEST THIS FRIDAY.  2nd, 4th and 6th hours have current events due this Wednesday.
Discussion starter: What country did your group read about today?  What kind of information did you learn about the country?

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We started notes on lesson 6.3.  We only did the problems with decimals.
Homework-worksheet 6.3, #1-3, 8 - 10, 16.
(Mrs. Mohr's group does not have homework)
3rd hour
We continued notes on lesson 6.3.
Homework- worksheet 6.3, # 4 - 6, 11-13,18.
Mary Austin
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Course 3 - Graham

Course 3
1st hour
We were planning on having a test tomorrow...but, we aren't ready.  I have attached a review that the kids received today.  Their assignment was to just do the first page.  We will finish it tomorrow, review some more, and take the test on Thursday (we don't meet on Wednesday because of the block scheduling).
6th hour
We are working on story problems today, as well as more work with circles.  Our test should be on Thursday (Friday, if we have a snow day :) ).

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

Study guide is available in Mr. Mercer's humanities folder.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced the Asia map and went over information on the study guide.  We also revisited the five themes of geography.

Austin-Course 3

WWDT-We finished notes on multi-step equations.  Lesson 6.2.
Homework-Worksheet 6.2, # 16 - 19, 22-27. 

Course 3 - Graham

Lots of work with equation solving!  We want to make sure we are comfortable with this because it is a buiding block for Algebra.
   7 problems of their choice from "Solving Equations" worksheet.

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School


Students had the whole hour to work on their Cyberbullying Project.  Rough draft final turn in was today, if they haven't done their rough draft by now, it isn't going to help them at all.  Please be sure that your student is keeping their Design Folder; Investigate (notes from research), Design/Plan (Design Brief, Rough Draft, & Task List), Create (Process Journal), Evaluate (Self Evaluation Essay RD and Final).  All descriptions can be found in the project packet. 
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we went over information that will be on the test.  All students received a study guide today.

Carter Course 3 1/26

What We Did Today
Solving decimal equations with variables

Textbook page 305 #6-10
Plus worksheet if not completed in class
Homework log due Thursday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School


I accidently put Carter Course 2.. on the blog to send out... It should say Carter Course 3.
Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours discussed and shared current event news stories.
Homework: Chapter 9 test is on Fri. Feb 4th and the southwest and southern Asia map test is Tues. Feb 8th.  Study guides will be given out tomorrow.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Carter Course 3 1/24

What We Did Today
Solving equations with variables

6.2 #19-27
Homework log due Thursday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

We started notes on lesson 6.2.
Homework-Worksheet 6.2, #1 - 15.

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced the Asian map and started to review information for the upcoming test.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due tomorrow.  The topic is Asia.

Course 3 - Graham

1st hour:
Finished up section 6.2 and assigned 6.2B worksheet (#10-21) Due on Wednesday.
Our chapter 6 test will be on Tuesday, Feb. 2.
6th hour:
More work on equation solving with variables on both sides.
Homework is worksheet 6.2A (#1-12)

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School


Students checked their Rough Drafts with me and we discussed what needed to be changed and different ideas to enhance their project. 
ONLY THE VIDEO IS A GROUP PROJECT. Attached is the project folder sheet as well as the rubric.  This project will be organized according to the IB design process, each step of the design process is the heading to each section; Investigate (evidence of research, notes taken), Design/Plan(Rough Draft, Design Brief, Task List), Create(Process Journal), Evaluate(Self Evaluation Essay).
Time line:
Plan/Design (Rough draft) Due TODAY, Monday, Jan 24
Work day in class    January 27
Work day in class   February 1
Projects due February 4
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

All students with D's or E's were given a letter yesterday to show up to my class at the end of the day today.  Some did, some did not. These students were given the opportunity to raise their grade by writing about a topic we have covered in depth in class.  Some students improved their grade by showing me that they learned information.  Some students did not improve their grade because their writing did not show me that they have learned what they should have.
What we did today: Today we practiced the Asia map and played a chapter 9 review game. 
Homework: No homework tonight.  The next test on the Middle East will be Friday February 4th.

Carter Course 3 1/21

What We Did Today
Solving equations with variables

6.3 #1,2,3,8,9,10,15

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Carter Course 3 1/20

What We Did Today
Solving equations with variables

6.2 #1-18

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we practiced the Asia map and discussed current events.
Homework: No homework tonight.

Course 3 - Graham

We are having a great time equation solving.  We started today solving with variables on both sides.
For example:
1 - 8x = 5x - 51
Their assignment was 6.2B (#1-9)  due on Monday (I won't see them tomorrow)

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School

Mr. Hill 1-20-2011

What We Did Today

We used the physical characters of rocks toidentify 9 different types of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

Study the readings (Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks)

Discussion Starters

How does heat and pressure affect the physical and chemical properties ofrocks?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we finished the GeoBee.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due tomorrow.

Austin-Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We practiced more multi-step problems.
Homework-worksheet 6.1  #4,11-13,15 and 19.
3rd hour
We started notes on multi-step problems (6.1).
Homework-worksheet 6.1, # 1-3,5-10, 14, 16 - 18.


Students registered for their ACES for last semester.  It was a very organized and interesting process.  Hope everyone get what they want/need :)
We introduced our culminating project for our Cyberbullying Unit.  We will be creating public service announcements to be displayed around the school.  Students have a choice between a poster, Power Point slides for the scrolling announcements, or a video.  Attached is the project folder sheet.  This project will be organized according to the IB design process, each step of the design process is the heading to each section; Investigate, Design/Plan, Create, Evaluate.
Time line:
Plan/Design (Rough draft) Due Monday, Jan 24
Work day in class    January 27
Work day in class   February 1
Projects due February 4
Ginger Kennedy
Technology Teacher
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Mr. Hill 1-19-2011

What We Did Today

We reviewed the rock cycle in lab by taking partin an imaginary journey as a rock traveling through the rock cycle.

Students are to make a comic strip documentingtheir journey in lab. Due Monday Jan 23rd

Discussion Starters

Sediment; Erosion; Weathering; Three main types of rock and how they are formed

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

course 3 Graham

Happy Tuesday!
In course 3 we started Chapter 6 section 1.  We will spend 2 days on it.

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School

Fwd: Friday, Jan 14

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes jumped rope and then played volleyball, basketball or four square.




  • How does the food we eat impact our health?
  • What are the benefits of eating a variety of food vs. eating the same food?
Essay is due Jan. 26.  Essay should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Mercer - Humanities

FYI - There are 3 - 4 assignments in the Skyward Gradebook (Family Access) which are not entered yet.  Please note an assignment that doesn't have a number grade, has not been entered yet.  If there is a 0, then the assignment is missing.
What we did today: Today we started the first rounds of the GeoBee.  We will finish tomorrow.
Homework: No homework tonight.  1st and 5th hours have a current event due Thursday>

Mr. Hill 1-18-2011

What We Did Today

We studied the rock cycle and how it relates toplate tectonics and landform creation.

Study the reading and finish the rock cyclesection review.

Discussion Starters

What are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks? Describe How each one iscreated?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we talked about news stories and students shared their current events.
Homework: No homework tonight, unless Ch 9 assessment is not complete.

Friday, Jan 14

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes will play volleyball games this week.




  • How does the food we eat impact our health?
  • What are the benefits of eating a variety of food vs. eating the same food?
Essay is due Jan. 26.  Essay should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Mr. Hill 1-14-2011

What We Did Today

We studied the effects of volcanic eruptions haveon the communities who dwell near by, the planets climate patterns, and thephysical structure of the volcano.

Finish sec reviews 2 & 3

Discussion Starters

What types of eruptions can volcanoes produce? How can volcanoes affect globalclimate? How where are most of the worlds volcanoes located? How do scientists predict an eminent eruption?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

I apologize for my blog not being up for the past three days.  I was at home sick with a sick family.
What we did today: We reviewed the Asian map and watched a video about Martian Luther King Jr.
Homework: 2nd, 4th, and 6th hour have current event due tomorrow.

Carter Course 3 1/13

What We Did Today:
Solving Equations 

WS 6.1 # 1-11

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

course 3 - Graham

1st hour -
We took our Chapter 3 test today!  We don't meet again until next Tuesday :(
No homework
6th hour -
We reviewed equation solving today for our test tomorrow. 

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School

Mr. Hill 1-13-2011

What We Did Today

We studied 1980 the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens.

Review volcano notes and terms

Discussion Starters

How powerful was the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens? What was some of the damage it caused?

Mr. Hill
7th Grade Science Teacher
Norup International School
14450 Manhattan Street
Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 837-8348

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Carter Course 3 1/11

What We Did Today:
Writing Equations 

Textbook pgs. 161-163  # 5, 6, 11, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 30, 31
Chapter 3 Quiz Wednesday

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

3rd hour only
We took notes on lesson 3.4.
Homework-worksheet 3.4, all.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Carter Course 3 1/10

What We Did Today:
Writing Equations 

WS 3.4 All
Challenge: Textbook pg. 136  # 3-16

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin-Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We started notes on lesson 3.4.
Homework-worksheet 3.4, all.
3rd hour
We finished lesson 3.3.
Homework- worksheet 3.3, #16-30


Students worked on completing Keyboarding #13 (handed out on Thursday, January 6th and given the whole hour to work on it) which is due today.  If they didn't finish it during class they were informed that they should stay at lunch to complete it.  No one came in so I guess everyone is done :)
Students moved on to our Cyberbullying lesson "Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line" and discussed different ways we could respond to a Cyberbullying situation.  Students came up with multiple anonymous reporting options so students could report if there was an uncomfortable situation online or in person.  Our mantra has become "If you wouldn't say it face to face, don't say it in Cyberspace" and I had them yell "Tell an adult".  Hopefully they are listening.

Course 3 - Graham

Course 3:
We are working so hard on one and two-step equation solving.  Today, we worked on word problems!
Ask your son or daughter to explain the following problem to you:
A number decreased by 7 is 10.  Find the number.
Our homework was worksheet 3.4.

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we finished going over the worksheet on Israel.  We then went over the worksheet that went along with pages 249-253.
Homework: 1st and 5th hours have a current event due tomorrow about Asia.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Carter Course 3 1/7

What We Did Today:
Solving two step equations 

Magical Equations worksheet

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Fwd: Wed 1/5/11

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes will play volleyball games this week.




  • How does the food we eat impact our health?
  • What are the benefits of eating a variety of food vs. eating the same food?
Essay is due Jan. 26.  Essay should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Austin - Course 3

2nd and 4th hour
We continued to work on 2-step equations.
Homework-  worksheet 3.3, #16-19,23,24,26.  Many students finished in class.
3rd hour
We started 2-step equations.
Homework- worksheet 3.3, # 1-12.

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we the upcoming vote in Sudan involving the separation of the southern part to form their own new nation.  We then went over the worksheet on Israel that was due today.
Homework: All students must read pages 249- 253 and complete the worksheet that goes along with them.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours shared current events.
Homework: All students need to finish the worksheet on Israel for tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Austin - Course 3

2nd Hour
We took notes on lesson 3.2. 
Homework- worksheet 3.2, # 3-14 and 19-30.
3rd Hour
We continued notes on lesson 3.2.
Homework- worksheet 3.2, # 6-8, 12-14, 20,21,24,25,27,28,30.
4th Hour
We started notes on lesson 3.2.
Homework-worksheet 3.2, #3-5,9-11,19,22,23,26,29.

Wed 1/5/11

What We Did Today
7th grade P.E. classes will play volleyball games this week.




  • How does the food we eat impact our health?
  • What are the benefits of eating a variety of food vs. eating the same food?
Essay is due Jan. 26.  Essay should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time.

**Parents please remind your child to bring gym clothes to school on Monday and keep in their hall locker until needed for class.  This habit will help to alleviate the mark downs in gym class for not dressing out.

Carter Course 3 1/5

What We Did Today:
Solving two step equations 

WS 3.3 #1-28 evens

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Course 3 - Graham

1st hour:
Lots of equation solving!!!
Ask your son or daughter to explain to you how to solve:
1.   3x = -15       and       2.    y - 2 = -7
Our homework is worksheet 3.3 (1-25 odd)
Students are now allowed to use calculators!
6th hour:
Lots of equation solving!!
Our homework is a worksheet of equations.  They had time in class to get started. 
Students are now allowed to use calculators!

Lara Graham
Mathematics Teacher
Norup International School

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we finished analyzing the 'Plan B' article and students shared their interpretations. 
Homework:  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due tomorrow.  All hours have to read pages 264-267 in their textbook and answer the questions on the worksheet.  The completed worksheet is due Friday.
Conversation starters: Should the EU give the Palestinians money to build their communities?  Should the Palestinians continue to pursue "Plan B"?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we started to analyze the Palestinian 'Plan B' article.  Students need to finish it for tomorrow.
Homework: Students need to finish reading the Palestinian 'Plan B article and write one sentence for each section not covered in class.
Conversation starter: What is 'Plan B' for the Palestinians?  Does the U.S. support 'Plan B'?

Carter Course 3 1/4

What We Did Today:
Solving one step equations 

One-Step Equations worksheet
All missing work and test corrections are due Wednesday, January 5th

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mercer - Humanities

What we did today: Today we shared some vacation stories along with the current events they brought in today.
Homework: No homework tonight.  2nd, 4th, and 6th hours have a current event due on Thursday.

Carter Course 3 1/3

What We Did Today:
Solving one step equations 

WS 3.2 #1-31 odds
All missing work and test corrections are due Wednesday, January 5th.

Amy Carter
Math Teacher
Norup International School

Austin - Course 3

3rd hour only
We took notes on lesson 3.1.
Homework-worksheet 3.1, # 1-12, and 18 - 23.  You must show your work or you will not get credit.